Support to Build a mosque

“Help Build a House of Worship: Donate to Bring a Mosque to Those in Need”

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Build a mosque in this world and build your palace in Jannah!

Imagine living in a remote, isolated community without a place to gather in worship and find peace. For many underprivileged families, this is a daily reality. Together, through the Ummati Relief Foundation, we can change that by building a Mosque—a sanctuary for faith, hope, and unity. Your generous contribution, no matter the size, will help bring this sacred space to those in need. Let’s come together to uplift these communities and provide them with a place where they can pray, connect, and find comfort. We are committed to changing this situation, and with the continued support of our generous donors, we can persist in constructing new Mosques while also renovating existing structures.

A continuous donation to the mosque signifies ongoing rewards both in this life and in the afterlife, serving as a remarkable form of sadaqah jariyah. Consider the rewards accrued for each prostration performed within the mosque. Furthermore, envision the blessings associated with every letter of the Quran that is learned and recited—truly an extraordinary gift.

Build a masjid for a poor Muslim community and enjoy Sadaqah Jariyah for however long Muslims worship there.

We offer a range of options for Masjids based on the type you intend to construct and the chosen location.

The cost to construct a mosque varies greatly depending on location, size, and complexity. For community mosques, the range starts from £7000 – £10,000 for a small mosque, medium mosque at £14,000 – £20,000 and a large mosque at £25,000 – £30,000.

Simply express your noble intention, complete your donation, and allow our team to handle the remaining details.

Kindly be informed that this initiative is focused on personal feedback. The construction of mosques may require up to 12 months to complete.

Comprehensive media feedback will be available only after the project has been finalized.

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said,

“Whoever constructs a masjid for Allah, Allah will construct a house for him in Paradise”. [Sahih Bukhari]

Support the construction of a mosque today and receive numerous blessings in the Hereafter.

Your assistance is essential for us to keep constructing Mosques.

Your contribution will be allocated towards the construction of a new mosque or the renovation of an existing one for a community in need. This act of Sadaqah Jariyah will provide lasting benefits for future generations, in sha Allah.

Here Is How you can help!

Donate One Prayer Space (Musallah) – £70

Donate Towards Wudu Facilities –  £100

Donate Towards Our Mosque Fund, this helps us in Mosque Renovations – £100 


Jazak’Allah kheir

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Donation Total: £100.00 One Time

call us

0121 725 4759



639 – 641 Stratford Road Birmingham B11 4EA United Kingdom